An Akeron LP missile is launched from a Tiger test bed helicopter.

Defence in brief: MAST-F fired from Tiger

An Akeron LP air-to-ground missile has been test fired from a Tiger test bed attack helicopter in the latest development for the MAST-F (Missile Air-Sol Tactique Futur – Future Tactical Air-Ground Missile) programme, according to a 19th March post on the OCCAR LinkedIn account.

The prototype missile was equipped with a booster and telemetry system to collect data on the missile’s performance when detaching from a helicopter. Specifically, the test was looking to understand how the Akeron LP behaved in the presence of helicopter perturbations.Perturbations refer to small, often unpredictable disturbances or changes in the helicopter’s flight path or attitude, which can be caused by factors like wind, turbulence, or control inputs. 

This test follows close on the heels of the first successful test launch of the Akeron LP, which was conducted from a ground rig in February. Those tests helped confirm the thrust of the booster, which provides initial acceleration of the missile, as well as the main rocket motor. 

The MAST-F programme is designed to replace the AGM-114R Hellfire II missiles used by France’s Tiger helicopters. Deliveries of the Akeron LP are expected to begin in 2028.

By Sam Cranny-Evans, published on 20th March, 2025. 

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